Category: Travel

  • How to Stay Connected with Yoga While Traveling Outdoor?

    Adrian Jones

    Yoga and traveling are inter-related in many ways. Both come with profound benefits for the body, mind and soul. However at times yoga while traveling becomes tough. Read on to learn how yoga can be easily accomplished while traveling. “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – […]

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  • Yoga destination

    Top 10 Yoga Destinations in World

    Ankita Sharma

    Just Imagine – You board the flight and speed over to a quaint, picturesque location surrounded on all sides by turquoise blue waters and coconut trees. The wind blowing on your face and you unfurl your yoga mat to transcend deep into meditation. Isn’t that what you have dreamed of ever since you became a […]

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  • Thailand


    Natalie Morris

    Thailand – aptly named “The Land of Smiles” – is a place that never fails to impress. Be it for leisure or for wellness, the land, and its beaches keep tourists and travelers engaged throughout their time here. With 1 USD valuing over 30 THB, It is an obvious choice for westerners to spend their winter […]

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  • New Year 2019

    Top 7 Places You Can Choose to Visit to Celebrate New Year 2023

    Natalie Morris

    Its again that time of the year when we start contemplating with family and friends over plans for New Year’s party. Over the years, however, a shift in the mindset has been witnessed and people no longer want to limit themselves to New Year’s parties and that’s it. Boozing endlessly and irresponsibly and then waking […]

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  • Scotland

    10 Ideal Destinations for Yoga Retreats 2022

    Ankita Sharma

    Go through the blog and find out the 10 ideal destinations for Yoga retreats in the world. As the world is moving towards scientific development, modernization, and industrialization, we are drifting far away not only from nature but, also from ourselves and our families. While we care about our economic growth, the biggest thing that […]

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  • 8 Things To Do While Traveling On Holidays

    8 Things To Do While Traveling On Holidays

    Adrian Jones

    Vacations are essential to rejuvenate the entire being that is in distress after the year long juggle between the work and home. Holidays are meant for relaxation and restoration, so read the blog to know the 8 things to do while traveling on holidays to make the most out of it. “A Vacation Is What […]

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