15 Helpful Things to Pack for Yoga Retreats

    yoga retreat centers

At the weekly Saturday morning class, yoga was a gentle flow for you. Now that it is over and you have graduated from it, you plan to take your yoga lessons to the next level. This is when you should think of a yoga retreat.

It would be a right choice and a wonderful time spent by yourself as well. This is also a chance for you to get deeper into your practice. In addition to that, you get to meet like-minded folks that share the same connection as well.

This is a plus and a win-win situation for you. But all said and done, do you know what to pack for yoga retreat? Have you done your research? It shouldn’t be that you get to the yoga retreat center all the way, only to remember that you have forgotten the right yoga clothes.

So to help you out, we have formulated a checklist of fifteen items that you need to pack for your yoga retreat. Please read on and be well-informed.

Check out 10 Reasons Why You Should Go On Yoga Retreat

You need the right yoga clothing

right yoga clothing is must to pack for yoga retreats

This is a no brainer. You need to ensure that you carry enough amounts of yoga clothes and the right ones too. Packing a few of your favorite tank tops and pants should be the main thing to do. For your hot yoga retreat outfits, try to keep to the bare minimum necessities and throw in a few layers as well. Think about how long you would be staying.

Also take note of the weather and the climatic conditions so that you pack the right fabrics for the climes, not anything else. You may be attending yoga sessions in a tropical paradise, which means warm. But that doesn’t mean that the evenings wouldn’t get chilly. The cool ocean breezes could affect you, so pack a long-sleeved top which you can wear for the evenings. Pack yoga retreat outfits that you can mix and wear, instead of being too fashion conscious.

You would need a yoga mat

yoga mats always helps at yoga retreats

Packing a lightweight yoga mat would be very important. There are yoga resorts and retreat centers that offer yoga mats of their own, which might be used and worn, germy and sweaty, why take the risk? When you bring your own yoga mat from home, there would be a sense of comfort from the start. Along with a mat, you must have a mat carrier as well.

With all things to do and run about for at a retreat, there wouldn’t be time for you to wrap up your mat and run along. Hence, a mat carrier would be very essential to carry. Remember to carry a lightweight mat and a mat carrier, which would be the best option. And choose one that is made from an anti-microbial material, which will be able to handle sweat-soaked clothes and brings down the odor factor too. So this is one of the answers on what should I pack for a retreat?

Check Out The Top 20 Affordable Yoga Retreats in Indonesia If you are still looking for a yoga retreat.

A small towel to carry is a must

It would be horrible to have slipped during your workouts, because of the dripping sweat you accumulated. This is why; we would ask you to carry a small towel with you- a couple of them. You can use them as a sweat rag during your sessions and wipe off the sweat. There would be no more slips while you perform your yoga session, we promise.

Carry your own sunscreen

Your skin needs to be protected from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, and this is why you should carry your own sunscreen with you. What you should carry is a matte finish or a sweat-resistant sunscreen, and this should be one of the most important things you pack in your bag. Areas to apply the sunscreen would be your face, the arms, the underarms and the top of your feet. Most yoga sessions happen outdoors, so you would want to have enough skin protection before you start your sessions.

Carry a pair of sunshades

A pair of polarized sunglasses is what you should carry, or else you would be squint-eyed under the strong rays of the sun. Consider buying a sporty type sunshade that will stick to your head while you even workout.

A journal should be your buddy

magazine always helps at yoga retreats

When you breathe deep, have an open mind and relax, you are able to concentrate and think very clearly. This is a time when you start discovering the inner you, and new things about yourself as well. It would be wise to jot them all down for inspiration later on. This is one of the most essential items in the packing list for a meditation retreat. It helps you stay focused because you are jotting down all your inspirations.

Check The Best Destinations to Go on a Yoga Retreat

Carry your own water bottle

Hydration is the key, and we cannot insist more on the same lines. This is why packing yourself a reusable water bottle will be best for you and the environment. Although most yoga retreat centers would offer you water, it is best to carry your own so that you know the source is clean and safe.

 A couple of self-massage balls

It would be wise to carry your own deep tissue massagers. Lacrosse balls – a few of them would be great to carry with you. This helps a lot, especially when the muscles go tight. The massage balls will help you relieve tension in the body. You can relax the pressure points by rubbing or rolling over the body part with the massage balls.

Healthy snacks are a must


It would be wise to carry a few snacks (healthy ones) on hand. Because you never know when hunger would strike. Moreover, if you are traveling from one place to another, you would find mostly junk foods being served around, which isn’t healthy for you. And some of them would be quite overpriced too. So it’s best to have your own nutrient-dense foods at your beck and call, like nuts, dry fruits, and granolas, than junk.

Carry a pair of comfy shoes

Heels have no place in yoga retreats, so keep them at home. What you should pack are shoes that are easy to wear. This would make walking from one session to the next very easy. Sneakers are best to be brought along so that you can easily participate in any outdoor activities when the opportunity arises.

Pack a pair of flip flops

It would be wise to have a pair of flip flops packed for easy movement, before and after the yoga session. They are lightweight, easy to pack and carry and they are very comfortable to wear and move around in as well.

Carry yoga props

To get into those tricky poses that they would teach you at the yoga class, you would need straps or blocks to help you with the same. Some retreat centers offer yoga props but most don’t, so it’s best to carry your own yoga props. Carry also gloves that have treads on them so that you don’t slip on the mat when you do certain tricky yoga poses. And finally, a blanket is a must in the packing list for meditation retreat to carry, which will keep you warm when you do the ending poses, such as the corpse pose.

A bathing-suit should be packed as well

Some yoga centers offer waters sports and you wouldn’t want to miss out on that. This is why carrying a bathing suit is a must, so that you don’t miss out in participating in the water sports. Carry a separate small bag to keep the wet clothes away from the dry ones too.

Have proper identification on you at all times

carry important documents

When you ask what to pack for a weekend retreat? Don’t forget to carry the right documents, especially if you are traveling abroad. Your passport is a must for international travel but if you are traveling domestically, check with the authorities to know which documents are a must to show. Some countries would also require you to have a visa. If you are not sure about the same, ask the retreat center director for more information on what to pack for a weekend retreat and then make plans accordingly.

Bring in your positive energy

Irrespective of the destination or the yoga retreat center you would be going to, ensure that you carry along with your positive attitude and an open mind at all times. You must have daily intentions set which will help you to stay calm, present and in the flow. Leave your phones behind and don’t answer them before you rush out the door to attend a yoga session. Think positive and set yourself up for success, both in body and mind. This will help you take on the challenges of the day like never before. You will feel more vibrant and lively when you are open-minded and open-hearted.

To End it All Up…

We hope this article has taught you what you should carry along on your yoga retreat or what should I pack for a retreat? It would be a fun and a relaxing moment when you have the assurance that everything is in place and that you have not forgotten anything behind. Enjoy your experience and gain new heights with yoga!

Author Details


A born nomad, Om is always on the lookout for interesting places to visit. It took him 25 years of his life to realize where his true calling lies, but once that was done, there’s been no looking back. Since the last ten years that he is on the go, he has been sharing his travel experiences by writing about them. Currently, he's blogging at Retreat Kula.

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