Career in Yoga: 10 Best Yoga Jobs to Kick Start Your Career

    career in yoga

In this post, we’ll talk about 10 yoga jobs to kickstart your career in yoga.

The yoga industry is one such area where the work you do can help alleviate the suffering of humanity and make people’s lives better. Yoga is an ancient science that was discovered and taught to help people heal, become more aware, and grow spiritually.

Today thousands and millions of people all around the world are diving deep into yoga and exploring the gifts this ancient art form has to share. And so, yoga is a whopping 10-billion-dollar industry that has employed thousands of people.

If you love interacting with people and have a passion for spiritual growth, a career in yoga might be the best fit to light your soul on fire and also earn a good amount of money in the process.

What more can one want, right? Doing something you love, helping others in the process, and earning a handsome amount of money – it’s a dream come true.

Here are 10 yoga jobs to start your career in yoga:

Yoga instructor

yoga instructor - career

One of the best yoga jobs is that of yoga instructors, as they are the need of the hour in today’s time and age. Everyone is looking for a yoga instructor. As a yoga instructor, you will be teaching in yoga studios, yoga retreats, and yoga schools.

You can also take personal home sessions. Many yoga instructors now offer personalized classes at students’ homes. This is one of the highest paying jobs, and you also get to travel abroad to different countries to teach yoga at various yoga retreats and yoga studios.

As a yoga instructor, you can earn approximately 2000$-7000$ depending on your skill and dedication. The yoga salary earned also depends on the countries, companies, location you are teaching in.

To become a yoga instructor, you will have to do a 300-hour or 500-hour teacher training course in the country you choose. In India, the yoga teacher training courses cost between 1000$-2000$, and in Europe, they cost around 3000$-4000$.

As a yoga instructor, you have a great responsibility to impart the sacred knowledge of yoga that you have learned and applied in your life to your students and yoga practitioners.

The world is in need of excellent, kind, and dedicated yoga teachers. This is the perfect time to enroll yourself in a yoga teacher training and become the yoga instructor the world needs.

Yoga theory teacher

Yoga theory teacher

Starting a career in yoga as a yoga theory teacher is another fantastic opportunity. As a yoga teacher, you’ll be responsible to teach yoga theory, which includes sacred Indian texts of yoga, like Patanjali’s yoga sutras, Bhagavad-Gita, yoga anatomy, yogic diet and so much more.

Teaching yoga theory is one of the most essential yoga jobs as, without theory, the knowledge of yoga is not complete. No matter how much a person practices yoga asana if the theory is not understood and embodied by the individual, it remains incomplete.

As a yoga theory teacher, you can teach in yoga schools, yoga studios, and yoga retreats. You can teach in your home country or travel abroad to work with different yoga schools, yoga studios, and retreats.

This is an exciting yoga career as it requires travel, and you can also earn a good amount of money. Yoga theory teachers earn somewhere between 2000$-6000$ per month depending on your experience, knowledge, and the country you are teaching in.

As yoga teacher once can also teach yoga in schools. Now more than ever, we need yoga teachers in schools and for students to learn the ancient art and science of yoga.

Schools kids benefit immensely from yoga, and schools all over the world have started to include yoga as a part of their everyday schedule.

To become a yoga teacher for schools, you will need to do a 200-hour or 300-hour yoga teacher training where you are taught yoga, especially for kids and young adults. You can choose to do the teacher training from India or other countries that offer teacher training courses. 

Yoga corporate jobs Yoga corporate jobs Yoga corporate jobs

Yoga corporate jobs

You can start teaching yoga in companies and promote yoga for corporate multinational companies. People who work for MNCs are genuinely in need of spiritual and movement activities. So many MNCs and corporate companies are including yoga as a part of the employee health program.

If the employees of the company are healthy and full of energy, the company is bound to make profits and rank on top in its field. Many yoga enthusiasts and trainers are finding a career in yoga by promoting yoga to corporate offices and MNCs.

You can start a yoga company that caters explicitly to corporate companies and MNCs. Corporate yoga jobs are trending in the market, and as a corporate yoga promoter on average, you can earn between 3000$-7000$.

As the MNCs and corporate offices are high in their budgets, the earning potential is high in this yoga career. This way, you can help the corporate employees to feel peaceful, focused, and happy with yoga and, at the same time, earn a good amount of money.

Yoga studio owner and manager

Yoga studio owner and manager

Starting a yoga studio is a great business and an amazing yoga career. Starting a yoga studio is profitable and can also help the society in many ways. You can start a yoga studio in the area you are living in or an area in your city that has a high demand for yoga classes.

Today homemakers, office goers, mothers, fathers, everyone is taking up yoga to find peace and good health. Starting a yoga studio can help the people of the area in reducing stress and finding peace within.

As there are more and more yoga studios coming up everywhere, to become the best yoga studio and make profits, you will have to offer the best yoga classes and yoga teachers. It is advised that before opening a yoga studio and getting into this business, you find out your competition and select the area very carefully.

Getting yoga practitioners to your studio will require creativity, a hundred percent dedication, and an undying passion for yoga and wellness.

If you are skilled at communication, have a knack for organization, coordination, and love for yoga, then you can also kickstart your yoga career as a studio manager.

As a studio manager, you will schedule all classes, communicate with all students, send necessary emails, handle the logistics, organize special events, assist the teachers and the owner, and so much more.

It is an exciting job and a challenging job that will help others and also help you by earning a good yoga salary. This job comes with its perks like attending free yoga sessions, meeting new people, helping humanity, developing creativity, and a good yoga salary if you are working with a thriving yoga studio.

Yoga researcher

As more and more people benefit from yoga, researchers are diving into yoga to understand its mechanisms and the mysteries of yoga. Many yoga research centers are coming up all around the world, and they are looking for researches.

As a yoga researcher, you will be experimenting on yourself and others with all the practices of yoga and discovering the benefits and mysteries of yoga. You will also be documenting your findings in the research.

If you have a deep love and passion for yoga, diving in yoga research can be a wonderful yoga career opportunity for you.

Yoga therapist

Yoga has helped heal many physical, psychological, and psychosomatic issues. If you have a natural love for people, yoga, and healing, this might be the perfect career in yoga for you.

As a yoga therapist, your job would be to work with people who have met in accidents, have physical issues, older people, people who have psychosomatic problems, and pregnant women. For example, a woman who experiences intense abdominal pain would benefit from a yoga therapist who can help her with asanas to heal the pelvic floor.

As a yoga therapist, you can work in physical therapy clinics, rehabilitation centers, addiction centers, hospitals, pregnancy camps, health clinics, etc.

Yoga therapists earn around 2000$-5000$ and sometimes more depending on the country, location, and the company you are working with. You can also start a private yoga therapy practice and establish your own yoga therapy company or clinic.

Yoga school owner

Yoga school owner

Starting a yoga school is a satisfying and economically beneficial yoga career. However, it requires a lot of experience in the field of yoga and a deep love and respect for the ancient science of yoga.

Yoga schools offer teacher training courses and daily drop-in yoga classes. As the yoga fever spreads and more people fall in love with yoga, the demand for teachers, and the dream to be an excellent yoga teacher is also increasing.

Hundreds of people all around the world are finding yoga extremely helpful and wanting to be excellent yoga teachers. As a yoga school owner, you will be offering 200-hour 300-hour, 5-hour teacher training, and many other forms of teacher training.

Due to high demand in teacher training courses, the yoga salary as a school owner is anywhere between 5000$ – 10000$ and sometimes even more, depending on the location of your yoga school.

As the owner of a yoga school, you have a grave responsibility to bring in the best yoga asanas and yoga theory teachers and impart the sacred knowledge of yoga in the most ideal and respectful way.

Yoga retreats organizer

Yoga retreats are a sacred oasis where people can unplug from the world and connect deeply with nature and themselves. Starting a yoga retreat can be enjoyable and exciting though it requires huge capital and investment.

There are hundreds of yoga retreats in the world. Yoga retreats in India, Costa Rica, Bali, Europe are some of the best yoga retreats. These destinations have luxurious yoga retreats that offer amazing services and fantastic yoga experience.

So, as a yoga retreat organizer, you have a high level of competition. You can first spend some days at some of these yoga retreats and understand what makes a pleasant yoga retreat. Studying current best yoga retreats can help you develop your plan and strategy to becoming the best in the business.

With time, dedication, and consistent effort, once your yoga retreat starts to perform well and get the right people, you are in business and will begin to make good amounts of profit.

Yoga merchandise brand

Yoga merchandise brand

As mentioned above, yoga is a 10-billion-dollar industry, and one-fourth of this 10 billion is invested in yoga merchandise like yoga clothing, yoga blocks, yoga ropes, yoga mats, yoga books, and so much more.

Starting a yoga merchandise brand is one of the most profitable yoga jobs. As a brand owner, you can start your clothing line, design your yoga mats, yoga apparatus like blocks and ropes used for Iyengar yoga and Ariel yoga, and so much more.

Get good quality material, invest in the right kind of marketing for your brand, open your stores, and you are in business.

Yoga SEO marketing

Many yoga schools, yoga studios, and yoga retreats are now publishing blogs on their website and are hiring SEO marketers who have knowledge about SEO marketing. SEO and Digital marketing is a crucial aspect of any business.

With accurate and intelligent SEO marketing, a yoga business can rank on top in google, generating high traffic on the website, which in turn leads to high profits. You can start your own SEO marketing firm if you have experience in marketing and a passion and love for yoga.

Finishing Off

The magic of yoga is widely spreading, and the whole world is waking up to the benefits of yoga. Now, it is the perfect time to dive into the yoga industry, find out what your skills are, and kick start your career in yoga.

Author Details


Ankita Sharma

Blogging since 2015, Ankita Sharma loves sharing ideas and experiences about her two biggest passions: Travel and Wellness. Her blogs and stories are published and loved by readers on various travel, yoga, ayurveda and lifestyle platforms in India and abroad. Ankita tries to show that one can access health and traveling without spending much, working people can also enjoy mindfulness and fulfil their travel dreams while maintaining balance with their work routines. She loves spending time with locals, learning their cultures and staying at wellness retreats to explore more about life philosophy.

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