The Ground Reality of A Certified Yoga Instructor Salary in 2022

    Yoga Instructors Salary

Wondering about the possible ways of taking your Yoga knowledge to the next level? Are you perturbed over the salary prospects so that you do not end up high and dry? Here is an in-depth analysis of Yoga instructor salary and forecasts.

“Money cannot buy everything”. Sure, your emotions, love, and affection are priceless. However, you definitely do not want to end up eating broccoli in the ramen noodles every night because you are on a savings plan or sleep on a mattress because your salary does not allow you to buy a couch. The hard reality is that not every job profile fetches a fortune and even if they do, then chances are people are unaware about it. One such job profile is of a Yoga instructor. Even though, there are more people with a yoga mat than fast-food junkies holding a burger-French fry’s combo pack, these job roles still need the deserved admiration and scope.

So, how much does a Yoga instructor make? What is the pay bracket of a Yoga instructor? Is it enough to feed him with 4 meals a day? Can he afford a casual weekend eat-out with his/her partner or friends? Or, is it a sad narrative of the same old, “living within the means” and “Sorry, I need to save, so I cannot go for a vacation”?

Here are some factual data that depicts Yoga teacher salary, pay bracket comparisons, job roles and annual pay.

What Does it Take to be a Yoga Instructor? 

Really, for any job role, what is the first and foremost requirement?  No, it is not the degree or the required educational qualification. It is the desire to go for a gig or training. You must nurture a fiery desire that is fueled by strong will power and constant skills enhancement. You will waste the human experience by following the herd and not making a conscious effort. In order to become a Yoga instructor, you need basic skills, an interest in the health & wellness arena and a strong inner desire to serve people.

For the starters, it is important to pursue a Yoga Teacher Training Program at a destination of your choice. No wonder, people travel across the world and even cross oceans to pursue their favorite training program. These training programs will not only teach you the basics of the art and better meditation techniques but also help you find your spiritual path and the power to fight your inner demons. Something, you can never achieve on a self-training or in a gym.

As compared to a layperson or a gym-goer, a certified Yoga teacher salary is higher if you have the required in-person training. Yoga instructor or not, you definitely need some skill set and a certificate/degree as the secondary requirement to bagging a good gig.

Scope or Work Environment

Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA Department of Labor, indicates following as the probable and fruitful work environment for Yoga Instructors and health professionals:

  • Health clubs
  • Recreation centers
  • Gymnasiums
  • Corporate houses and personal trainers

Apart from the mentioned work environment, Yoga instructors may have a free will to do something courageous like participating as a teacher for training programs in a different country, retreats, and probably leading a spiritual gathering. Yoga Instructor jobs are not reduced to being stagnant within a cubby hole and this is an exciting part.

Pay Outlook & Forecast of Yoga Instructor Salary

i). Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific

Salary for Yoga instructors varies with the level of experience and skills sets of the instructor at work. According to a brief pay report 2018-19 on Yoga Instructor Salary by Payscale Inc., countries in the Asia Pacific that are famous for Yoga training and outdoor activities, such as India offer a fairly good hourly pay to the instructors and Yoga teachers. Here are some facts on pay bracket in Asian countries:

  • Average hourly pay for a Yoga instructor in India is Rs. 497.91 INR.  
  • The bonus offered is somewhere around Rs. 20,000 INR.
  • As per the skills, the hourly pay varies in these countries. For instance, 200 INR for Health & Wellness, Rs. 500-600 INR for additional knowledge on physical therapy.

Data recorded in countries like India holds a great importance as the country is recognized for its optimal Yoga trainings and Ayurveda treatments. So, wondering where to go for a good pay and what cities offer a lucrative Yoga Teachers salary? According to the same report, certified Yoga instructor salary in Mumbai, Maharashtra, is 137% more than the national average. You can also choose Delhi, the capital city that offers salaries that are 50% higher.

Other popular countries offering attractive renumeration in 2019 and ahead:

  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia

II). The United States of America

North America

The average salary of a certified Yoga instructor shall largely depend upon the per capita income offered and the current economic status of a country. With that said, it would be unfair to leave behind developed countries. The United States of America with its powerful economy has been offering good remuneration to both expatriates and in-house employees. Wellness sector being the top contributor to the economic gains has also paved way for a high Yoga teacher salary.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook released by the United States Department of Labor, jobs for fitness trainers, instructors, and Yoga teachers are projected to grow 10% by the year 2026. This is a great leap in the employment pool, as compared to the data recorded in 2010. People realizing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and organizations striving hard to boost employee productivity have together marked the beginning of a positive era for Yogis.

Here are quick facts on salary bracket offered:

  • Median pay offered in 2018: $19.17 hourly and $40,000 per year
  • Employment change forecast, 2016-2026: 30,1000 jobs

The report states the median annual wage of fitness instructors (inclusive of Yoga instructor salary), who worked in different environment:

Recreational/Sports centers   –   $42,000 Median Pay

Education Houses   –   $39,000 Median Pay

Government Organizations  –    $37,000 Median Pay

Social houses/centers  –  $33,000 Median Pay

Looks like the USA is a new destination for high-paying Yoga Teacher salary! So, which are the fertile destinations?

  • Costa Rica
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Dallas
  • Parts of Mexico

The Yoga teacher salary also includes variable parts to it in the form of bonuses. This is applicable in case, an instructor travels to a different destination or bags a prestigious client.

III). Europe Market- Glimpse from Popular Destinations


European Union can be tricky as it is huge in area and there are a huge number of employment opportunities available. Another factor that has affected the job pool in great ways and there are more inferences to be drawn in future is the famous political move – Brexit. However, destinations like the United Kingdom are offering comparatively better remuneration. According to a report published on the popular job search site Indeed:

  • Hourly pay in the UK: £21.51
  • Typical job tenure seen: 1-3 years

Another popular Yoga retreats and health vacation destination is Greece. This country can be fruitful to you in terms of a high yoga instructor average salary. A report by Salary Expert reveals that, a Yoga teacher can earn a nice 11.856 € or an hourly rate of 6 €. The cherry on the cake is that they earn an average bonus of 146 €.

  • Entry level Yoga teacher salary is 10.264 € (EUR)
  • Experienced Yoga teacher salary is 13.911 € (EUR)

Countries like Spain are counted amongst the popular destinations for health vacationers and Yoga retreats enthusiasts. The certified yoga instructor salary might go a notch higher because of a high demand of Yogis and gurus to lead these retreats.

Another report by Salary Expert reveals that the average base salary for a Yoga instructor in Spain is somewhere around 14.705 € per year. The good news is that by the year 2024, the base salary is expected to grow by 12%, making it 16.439 €.

iV). The African Region


Even though the ‘Dark Continent’, Africa promises a competitive Yoga Instructor Average Salary, the destination still lacks attention and admiration. The reasons are quite understandable – disturbed political environment and epidemic. Do you know that the last Ebola outbreak dampened the business alliances of Africa with the rest of the world and resulted into astressed political scenario? Yes, these are some of the reasons why employees and promising candidates strike off Africa from their list.

However, destinations like Egypt and Nicaragua have managed to keep their track record of a high tourist number and better job prospects.

If you are living near to the MENA region or have the desire to explore lesser-known destinations in order to use the less competition to your advantage, here are the facts:

  • Yoga instructor average salary in Egypt is 76,861 ج.م.‏ (EGP)/yr
  • Average hourly pay is: 37 ج.م.‏
  • The average bones earned may go upto: 1,176 ج.م.‏

You will be surprised to know that the certified Yoga instructor salary is expected to go up by 61% by the year 2024. These destinations are popular amongst health travelers, so neglecting these job offers might not be a good idea. Even if you think about opening up your own studio or organize a retreat, it shall give you a good breeding ground for a business.

Now that you are aware about the global salary situation and an expected salary growth, it is important that you understand basic pointers that might affect the Yoga instructor salary.

Is there Gender Parity?

Without an iota of doubt, it can be placed on the paper that health domain is ruled by women and especially Yoga instructor job role. The biological factors and the ability of a female to gravitate towards more feminine forms of exercises have led to a surge in number of women in this arena. However, male counterparts have nothing to worry about.

According to a survey published on the National Institutes of Health, 55% of respondents or the healthcare workers were females and rest were males. Some of the related job roles where women are higher in number are weight lifting trainings, meditation, detox program training and healthcare.

Skills that Shall Help You Flourish

Making a mark as a Yoga instructor and aiming for global domination is possible if you have the right skills and some behavioral aspects to you. A certified Yoga instructor salary is not a by-product of a well-planned Yoga teacher training course, but also some internal work done at the right time. So, what extra do you need?

  • Practice patience as this will help you stay connected with your clients and soul family.
  • Do not forget to do your own practice as this will help you stay on the track.
  • Aim for opportunities that take you places, so that your regular Yoga instructor salary receives a boost.
  • Market yourself in the world and go for personal training classes or in-person consultations. This will help you build a wide client base, earn you bonus, and boost your profile.
  • Prepare training packages and sell out as a personal sales banter.
  • Be present not just physically but mentally as well.

Author Details


Ankita Sharma

Blogging since 2015, Ankita Sharma loves sharing ideas and experiences about her two biggest passions: Travel and Wellness. Her blogs and stories are published and loved by readers on various travel, yoga, ayurveda and lifestyle platforms in India and abroad. Ankita tries to show that one can access health and traveling without spending much, working people can also enjoy mindfulness and fulfil their travel dreams while maintaining balance with their work routines. She loves spending time with locals, learning their cultures and staying at wellness retreats to explore more about life philosophy.

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